Off-Topic in Green Jerry's FNaF Fan Games

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LAST STAND 2ND STAR IS DONE ON ANDROID "I can't believe I'm saying this but he's it's DONE for good we are not done there is one more challeng before the ultimate challenge :D

Thanks for @Rykan best friend (:

The game:

Have fun :).

So it's finally done five nights with Froggy's 2 is finally done yay.

Here's the winning run for last stand 1st star on five nights with the boys

"On Android" this was peak to do go play it rn if you're on PC or android go

The game:

The video:

five nights with the boys plus "android" last stand 1st star "first Victor on Android"

How do yall like this game page??


Yay I hit 300 followers ig

Guys, Check scratch. There is a lot of lore on Five Nights at Miles. I’m going to be updating it on my laptop. I’m on my phone where it’s hard to edit

This is me when no black bars vs. black bars Ig

Note that I'm going off how the game looks with & without black bars (first one is no black bars, and second one is with black bars)

Yea I did this

No I won't be doing All Challenges, it's stupidly difficult and Cat is extremely tight for no reason with LP, so yeah. Dreamscape next

Now for an actual pinned post

Stuff about me is gonna be here, what you need to know, etc.